Yūgen Cabins
Square feet

Design for Deep Connections

Who we are

Yūgen Cabins is about building spaces with core principles of health, efficiency, sustainability, a strong connection to the surroundings. 

“Yūgen” (y-uu-gain) is a Japanese term which describes “mysterious profundity.” It is an awareness that sparks a deep emotional connection to your surroundings in a way that can’t be described. It is beauty that you feel, that lingers in the memory. Imagination is essential and so is participation. No moment is perfect or permanent. Yugen Cabins also incorporates the ideals of “wabi sabi” and appreciating imperfection, nature being the prime example. It is something to be admired, appreciated, and experienced. 

Yūgen Cabins is about curating a space which can allow the experience of Yugen and incorporates unique characteristics of building off-grid. 

Designed by a professional Architect specializing in natural connection, synchronicity with the environment through biophilia and regenerative strategies to benefit the chosen place. 

Living Futures Accredited and WELL Accredited Professional.

Get in touch with us

Yūgen Cabins 81 Commercial St, Morgan, UT 84050, USA